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Costello, NT 872

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What's happening in Costello, NT 872

Polart Fitness

29 Jan 2020
Become part of the Polart Fitness family!

Polart Fitness

29 July 2019
‘Our mission is to provide a pole dance venue that encourages creativity to express yourself in this field of fitness in a safe and family like environment with guidance from passionate and trained instructors whilst being amongst a supportive network of new-found friends. Pole dance is a powerful form of fitness and we will not be sorry for your addiction. Have fun, get fit, become part of the Polart Fitness family’ You don't have to be fit, you don't have to be flexible, you don't have to be strong or know how to dance. You just have to have the willingness to kick start and give it a shot, we will guide you. You will gain strength, you will become flexible and fit all whilst having FUN.

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