
Keith Dickson

Went in and got a tooth filled just before going away for 4 months holiday 2 weeks later the filling fell out

I was in a small fishing town in south australia and had to wait a month before I could see a dentist who

travels to isolated towns , he said he will fill it and guarantee that it won’t fall out and 6 months later it’s

still there,

When I contacted this clinic and explained what happened they said if you had come back when it fell out we would of fixed it no charge but I was 2000 Klm away so no refund at all ,over $300 dollars down the drain

She said I will talk to the dentist and see what can be done ,never heard back from them ,and I doubt if I ever will,

Blanche Herdman

I rang this dentist practice spoke to the receptionist about booking a appointment to have a tooth extracted and was told I should have done it at the dentist I just seen today , I said I needed to have the nitrogen for anxiety issues with dentist and she said all dentist have it but the dentist I went to didn’t she was extremely rude and argumentative with me this person has no people skills what so ever and should not be the first person of call she told me I should have had it removed the last time I was there when they removed teeth before , having a receptionist tell me what I should have done was very unprofessional and extremely uncaring. I work in health care and would never questions a patient’s reasoning about there healthcare , I can see why this dentist has such a low rating . I wouldn’t even give them 1 star rating

Where to find Busselton Dental Clinic

Busselton Dental Clinic

Price range $$
Busselton, WA 6280
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