About Handyman Croydon

At Holmes Handyman Services - Handyman Croydon, Renovations Bayswater North At Holmes Handyman Services provides a number of services for home improvement, repair and maintenance in Croydon and surrounding areas. Call
. Handyman Services Mitcham, Warrandyte Do you need a helping hand with some odd jobs at home? At Holmes Handyman Services responds quickly to service requests for your home improvement, repair and maintenance needs. As your local handyman specialist, expect only the best quality service from this licensed business. Its experienced staff always go the extra mile to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. Qualified tradesmen are on call to provide you with any service to improve your home. Home Renovations & Maintenance Croydon With its quality building services, At Holmes Handyman Services can easily handle bathroom and kitchen renovation works. Make your dream home a reality. You can now have your dream bathroom and kitchen built at competitive rates by this all-around service company. Modifications and upgrades to existing bathrooms and kitchens can be made to fit your current requirements. Residential Carpenter Mooroolbark Have you been postponing some minor home repairs because you just can’t find time to do them? Don’t subject yourself and your family to further discomfort and inconvenience. Call the reliable tradesmen of At Holmes Handyman Services to fix anything that needs fixing inside and outside your home. New Decks & Pergolas Bayswater North No job is too big or too small for this fast-growing handyman business. At Holmes Handyman Services can do most carpentry jobs including building decks and pergolas, and also garages and carports. Other services available include: Timber floating floors Tiling Paving Ducted heating & cooling Any kind of roof plumbing Handyman Mitcham Home Improvements & Extentions Ringwood At Holmes Handyman Services is committed to providing excellent customer service at all times. Safety is also a priority. No job will be left unfinished or untidy; they'll never leave work that could compromise your family's health or safety. Service areas for At Holmes Handyman Services include Croydon, Warrandyte, Ringwood, Mitcham and other areas within a 50 km radius. Trading hours are from 7am to 7pm, Mondays to Saturdays. For prompt handyman services, call Brad Holmes of At Holmes Handyman Services at



Where to find Handyman Croydon

Handyman Croydon

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Mooroolbark, VIC 3138
Map showing the location of Handyman Croydon in Mooroolbark, VIC 3138

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